Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

December 21, 2010

First Doctor's Appointment

Friday Steve and I went for our first prenatal doctor’s appointment. Boy what a wave of emotions this created for me. At first I was so excited, then nervous, then excited, then nervous. This was crazy! Lol  Anyway, once I got registered and Steve and I were in the waiting room the emotions subsided. When the nurse called me name, I felt as though I had been waiting an eternity but in reality it was only 10 minutes. Steve and I both got up but the nurse told him that I was the only one to go in but that she would come get him when it was ok. I thought that was kind of weird but quickly realized why, they ask you questions about feeling safe in your home and if your being threatened or hurt by anyone. I kind of had to chuckle to myself but I understood. I couldn’t wait to tell Steve this, as he would get a chuckle at it too.

Once I was in the room ,the nurse went and got Steve. He walked in like a lost dog with his tail in between his legs. You could just see the uncertainty and terror in his eyes of what was about to happen. I told him what the doctor was going to do (vaginal ultrasound) and I think he about pooped his pants! Lol  I had to laugh at him but I told him he wasn’t going to be down in that view and that all he had to do was look at the monitor. He was ok with that but still a little nervous.

About five minutes later the doctor came in and asked us questions and talked about any concerns we had. She put us at ease on the questions we asked and by the way I think first time parents are so neurotic and ask every stupid question there is, us included!! Lol  But it feels good to hear the answers from a profession instead of many contradicting responses on the Internet. Well the vaginal ultrasound was about to start and Steve’s eyes were like the size of sand dollars when he saw the wand come out and how big it was. I could only imagine the thoughts going through his head. ;-)  Anyway, the doctor began to look around for the baby and at first we could find it and I thought, “oh crap! Where is the baby? Am I not really pregnant?” lol  Just as I was about to go into a panic, a little peanut size image came into view with a flickering heart beat. It was absolutely beautiful. I think it really put things into prospective for Steve and I. We were having a baby!

The picture above is our peanut at 7 weeks. It’s almost too small for you to see but it’s there. It's where the two little cursor marks are (hard to see), I promise. Also, the picture shows our expected due date is August 8, 2011 but the doctor says the due date is August 5, 2011. Let the fun begin!


  1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Does Steve read this too? If so, he really is a good sport.

    Woo hoo - I see little peanut! So tiny.

    Good things happen on August 5th by the way. That's my hubby's birthday ;)

  2. Yay! So happy for you guys.
    It's about time you made me an aunt. ;)
