Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

January 7, 2011

The Holidays

Well since my last post nothing much has really happened. Christmas was a little lonely, as Steve had to work a double shift, so I just went to a friend’s house for dinner. She was having a bunch of people over and it ended up being a pretty good night. I went home around 8:00 pm, as I was pretty pooped. Boy, I guess the days of being out until all hours of the night are over for me!! Lol 

That following Monday we were to head to NY to spend a week with Steve’s family but Mother Nature had other plans. The Northeast was getting slammed with a blizzard so we weren’t able to leave until Thursday morning. When we finally got into NY it was about 3:00 pm and we went straight to Steve’s mami’s house. I was dying to get there because I know Colombian goodness (food) was waiting for me!!! And I was right; as soon as we literally walked in the door there were plates of food being served up just for me!! I was going to be spoiled the whole time we were there…this was heaven!! Soon after, it was nappy time for me. Imagine that!! Lol  After laying down for an hour or so Steve’s niece, Nia arrived. We hadn’t seen her since last Christmas and it was a great joy to hang with her. 

Friday was New Year’s Eve and as most of you know (from me) that Steve’s family usually has a party that lasts until the wee hours and I’m talking like 7 am the next morning. So it was time for me to sleep in and get as many Z’s as possible just so I could stay up until midnight. Later that afternoon Steve’s sister Sharon showed up with her other daughter and boyfriend and we finally had a Christmas. We opened gifts and had some good laughs. It was a good time.

Later that night we all got gussied up and were ready to party, well I was gussied up but was already starting to struggle to stay up. For crying out loud, it was only 9:30 or 10:00 and I was already to go to bed!! Lol  This was going to be a LONG night. People slowly started coming over and drinking and dancing. Everyone was having a good time. About a minute to midnight we all turned to the TV to watch the ball drop from NY Time Square. As we all shouted 3….2…. 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR  I turned to my beloved to give him a big smooch and to my surprise he was getting down on his knee with a ring in hand. I was completely and utterly shocked as he asked me to marry him. Of course I started crying, being the big bawl baby that I am and accepted his proposal.

I won’t go into details of the rest of the night but lets just say it got a little out of hand and I didn’t end up going to bed until 4:30 am!!!  Needless to say, this mama was T-I-R-E-D.

The rest of the trip was great. We got out into the city a few times and were able to enjoy some quality time with Steve’s family. We can hardly wait to see them all again.

As for the way I felt the whole time, I felt pretty good for the most part except the tiredness and SEVERE constipation. Also, I think the morning sickness is finally starting to subside which is great!!!

1 comment:

  1. You two look adorable here. I know I've already said this, but huge congratulations to you both!

    Also, way to end this post with everything going fine until...SEVERE constipation - dang girl! I hate to laugh at your pain, but shoot. Anyhow, that was a few months ago, so hopefully things are better.
