Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

December 6, 2010

We're going to be Parents

I knew when I woke up on December 1st that it was going to be a great day but what I didn’t know was HOW great it was going to be.

Steve and I had planned a day out on the lake on the boat we just recently bought and this was going to be its maiden voyage (with us). Steve and I were both really excited so we decided to get up at 4:00 am. Well actually, Steve decided to get up that early. I honestly don’t know why fishermen think they need to get up that early to catch the BIG fish but anyway that’s the time I crawled out of bed. I stumbled to the bathroom in the dark and decided to take a pregnancy test as I was two days late. Being late wasn’t unusual for me but for some reason I decided to just take the test and to my surprise it was positive. I just looked at it in disbelief at first. Then I kind of shook my head and rubbed my eyes to make sure the line wasn’t just blurry and then the shock set in. All these thoughts instantly starting running through my head, “Do I tell Steve now?” “What if he’s not happy?” “How do I tell him?” “When do I tell him?” Oh my god, I was freaking out!! I then took a deep breath and decided not to tell him until after the fishing trip. Well, the fishing trip ended up being a success; Steve caught his first fish on his new boat. He was just a like a small kid at Christmas, opening that toy he longed for. It really was a great day.

After we got home, I decided to take another pregnancy test before I told him. Maybe the first test was a false positive. Nope, the test came back positive again. Ok, so this was the real deal. We were going to have a baby! At that moment, Steve came into the bedroom and laid on the bed and I laid next to him. I started out with “ I have something to tell you but I’m scared to tell you.” I can only imagine what was going through his head when I said that but I can guarantee it wasn’t what I was going to tell him. Lol Anyway, I proceed to tell him that I was pregnant and he said “Really” with a smile on his face. I instantly felt at ease and started crying tears of happiness. Steve, not being a very emotional man and not understanding my tears, asked, “Why are you crying? We wanted this to happen.” I just smiled and said, “Yes, we did want this!”

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog so far Lisa! And of course, a huge congratulations to you both again - this is really big news and it's SO exciting!
