Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

December 10, 2010

Telling Our Mom's

Many thoughts ran through our heads as we decided whether to tell our mothers that they were going to be grandmas again. First thought was to hold off until after the first trimester as many doctors say to do, second thought was to hold off until Christmas and third thought was to spill the beans immediately. Well as excited as Steve and I both were about the pregnancy we obviously went with telling them as soon as possible.

As many of you know I’m extremely close with my mother so letting her know should have been a special event for me, but nope… I notified her via email. She could have cared less how she was notified as she has been badgering me for years about having a baby (love you mama)! Lol  Anyway she was very happy and has already asked me many questions from How are you feeling today? to Do you know what you’re having? She is completely thrilled and I couldn't be happier for her and myself. She will be a great wealth of support and knowledge throughout this amazing experience. Love you Mama. 

Telling Steve’s mami was really sweet. Steve called her and talked to her as if it was their normal weekly conversation; however to my surprise during the conversation Steve said, “Lisa’s got something to tell you.” I was shocked because I thought he was going to tell her. So as I stammered around for the right words to say I finally just blurted out that I was pregnant. She was so happy. You could just hear the happiness in her voice that her baby boy was finally going to be a father. Steve and I both got teary-eyed. It really was a special moment for me but especially Steve.

1 comment:

  1. Typical Steve, leave the emotional stuff for the! Hey, you're a great writer Lisa!
