Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

December 14, 2010

Week 6

So far week 6 has turned out to be not so good. The so-called “morning sickness”, which should be called “pregnancy sickness” has been lasting ALL day long and has worsened this week. I feel sick to my stomach all the time. No throwing up yet (thank god) but at times I wonder if it would make me feel better. Lol  The heartburn has also started this week. It seems whatever I eat triggers it!! I need to figure something out here now and fast! 

Other symptoms that I have had since the beginning are the sore boobs and the fatigue. I have never in my life felt so much pain in my boobs!! I have woken up many times in pain throughout the night because of turning over to sleep on my stomach. This is no bueno…Ouch!!  Oh and also when I take a shower the pressure hitting my nipples is like daggering needles. What the heck is that about??? Lol

On a lighter note, yesterday I was wearing my favorite pants and I was thinking “Boy I could probably wear these throughout the whole pregnancy as long as my butt doesn’t get too much bigger.” Well low and behold I squatted down to pet Porthos and Rrrrriiiiiippppp!! I was so mad. I haven’t gained any weight as of yet as I’ve been walking anywhere from 3 to 5 miles a day and then this happens!! Lol  Here I was feeling all good about myself and what do I do, I rip my pants, so typical. Anyway, now today my pants feel all tight around the gut. I need to weigh here soon and see what the heck is happening! Lol Oh yeah and needless to say Steve thought it was hilarious and he said, “What’s up fat kid?”  LOL

Well Steve and I have my first prenatal doctor’s appointment on Friday. We are both really excited and looking forward to hopefully getting to at least see our little spec of a monkey and hear its heartbeat.  We’ll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. HILARIOUS!!! Not the part about the "pregnancy sickness" that sucks, but hey - it will all be worth it! I'm really sorry to hear about your pants, and your sore nipples, dang girl! Who knew?
