Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

June 7, 2011

Where Did The Time Go?

Where do I even start?? It seems so long since I was on here blogging about our baby adventure. So much just seems to be happening.

Well I guess I’ll start with our last doctor’s appointment that we had on the 25th of May. This appointment was a routine appointment with the exception of an ultrasound to see how my placenta was doing. My placenta has moved somewhat from the cervix and so the doctor says we are making progress. Now that I’m getting bigger she feels my placenta will move further away so we have another ultrasound at our next prenatal; appointment on June 20th.

Steve started working on the baby room but has yet to finish it. He first started out by scrapping the popcorn ceilings then moved onto painting. The painting is complete besides a few touch-ups we will do later next week. Steve ended up breaking one of the closet doors so it was a trip to Lowe’s and as it would be, there were a special order size. Nice, when I hear special order I hear cha-ching!! Lol  Anyway, we ordered them and they will should be here on the 10th of June. Once we get the doors then we can finish up the crown molding and base boards. I’m hoping this room will be done by next weekend!! I will take pictures and post soon.

We had our first baby class last week. It was the late pregnancy class and tour of the birthing center. The class was more or less informational for me as to what I may be experiencing the last few months of pregnancy (now). Steve was quite comical in the class at times as they had examples of some of the tools that they use, which some of them ridiculous but I’m sure they serve a purpose in some rare situations. My favorite was the model of how big 10 centimeters is. Steve’s eyes were HUGE when he saw how big my cervix was going to get!!!  I won’t tell you the commentary that came with that but if you know Steve then you know what was said! Lol

After the class we toured the birthing center. As crappy/ghetto as the town of Vallejo is, the hospital is really nice. The birthing rooms are nice big and private and the baby stays with you the whole time unless there are complications. Our tour guide was quite comical as well. She happen to make a comment about the option of having your baby placed skin on skin as soon as it’s born and then she proceeded to say that the fathers would get there chance to do the skin on skin once we were transferred to the recovery room. Steve was so confused. He asked why do you have to do skin on skin and does he have to do it. I of course told him yes, that he had to do it and that we just hope Amelia doesn’t try to latch on. The look on his face was priceless.

Our next baby class is tonight. It’s the Childbirthing Prep class and it’s a 4 class series (one a week). Now, I know Steve will be enjoying this class. Lol

Here are a couple of pictures I have taken of my baby “bump”. I don’t think it’s a “bump” anymore…….it’s more like a mountain!!! lol

 7 1/2 Months

 8 months this week. It seems like in two weeks I'm really starting to "fill out". I'm getting crazy BIG! lol

May 18, 2011

3D Ultrasound

We had our 3D ultrasound yesterday and what an awesome experience that was!! There were a few different packages you could buy and we opted for the minimal one as you pay before you go into the ultrasound and the baby could or could not be cooperative. However, you do have the choice of buying the upgraded package afterwards if you want. Anyway, the package we bought was for a 15-minute ultrasound session and 2 color and 2 black & white pictures. We actually ended up having a 45-minute session and got quite a few pictures!! As always, Amelia was shy. I have no idea where she gets that from because you all know I’m not shy!! Lol  She probably gets it from Steve as he’s a little bit more on the reserved side than me. ;-) So with that being said, Amelia had her hands up in her face or over her face as if she was blocking the camera from taking her picture. She actually at one point in time look like she was started to give us the finger but she knew better!! Lol  Mama wouldn’t have liked that very much!! 

From being at the ultrasound and looking at the below pictures, Amelia has chubby checks, full lips, pug nose and a head or hair. Most of these traits are on the Arana side so I have a feeling she is going to take after her Papi.

Other things we saw in the ultrasound were her blinking and do a suckling motion with her mouth (I’m really hoping she is not going to be a thumb-sucker!! Lol).  Also, a few times it looked as though she was smiling at us. She was a happy baby needless to say and that made me happy. Both Steve and I are so happy and very fortunate that we got to experience the 3D ultrasound and would recommend it to anyone.

We have another ultrasound with our doctor on next Wednesday to see how my “low lying” placenta is doing. We are really hoping that the placenta has moved away from the cervix and that our birthing plan will still be in motion. I will keep you all updated on that outcome.

Now that I’m in the third trimester (boy, time flies by!), I’m starting to get a little more tired again. I was really hoping the tiredness wouldn’t happen so fast but growing a baby is hard work!! Lol  I’m still walking an hour everyday with Porthos so I get my exercise, which has helped to keep my weight gain down. Currently I have gained 12 lbs and 4 of those 12 pounds were this last month!! Now I know why Amelia is so chunky! If she keeps this up for the next three months she is going to be a BIG baby!!

Anyway, we still have a lot to do now that we are back from Omaha and we don’t have visitors coming for a while. We plan on doing the baby registry tonight (or at least going to make the attempt) and we hopefully will have the baby room done by next week. Once those two things are done, we can focus on a month long full of baby classes and a few baby showers.

Well time to wrap this up. I will blog next week after my appointment to let you all know how things are going.

May 6, 2011

A Much Needed Blog Update

It’s been awhile since I have updated the blog so I’ll try to see if I can remember all the key events that occurred over the past three weeks. You know this so-called  “Pregnancy Brain”, well this thing is real!! I am so forgetful right now.

Anyway, Steve’s mom, Socorro was here for 10 days this past month. It was really nice having her because between her and Steve I didn’t do much cleaning to do and NO COOKING! What a great vacation that was!!! Lol It’s the simple little things that make me happy these days as I know once Amelia comes nothing is going to be simple ;-)

A few days after Socorro left, Steve and I headed to Tahoe and got married…that’s right I said married! After 12 years we finally made it official! It was just Steve and I and the minister and it’s exactly how we wanted it. Short, sweet and memorable for us. I can’t believe after 12 years of being with Steve, I can honestly say I still love him more and more with each year. What a great thing we have.

Steve and I did not take a honeymoon per say, however, we did go to the mountains for a fishing / camping trip. What a great time we had. We do plan on taking a honeymoon but not until sometime next year. This year is/was just to busy to plan anything. Hopefully I will have a couple of pictures of us from our wedding ceremony soon and I will post them.

Now for some baby talk! On April 21st I took a Glucose test to test for gestational diabetes. I had to go in and drink some sugary orange soda like drink and then wait an hour to get my blood drawn. The next day I got the results and I was higher than the normal standard limit so I was then scheduled for another Glucose test yesterday but this one was more extensive. I had to get my blood drawn as soon as I got to the lab and then drink another drink but this one was twice as sugary as the first one. YUCK!! Talk about just drinking syrup!! It was nasty! Anyway, after drinking you have to wait an hour and then get your blood drawn for the next three hours on the hour. My poor arms were sore by the time I left!! Plus, I was starving!! I had to fast for this test so it was 13 hours before I actually got to eat anything. Poor Amelia was kicking around like crazy wondering where her food was and I was feeling pretty lethargic!!  So after the appointment, I was going to be a good girl and eat my yogurt and cuties but after not eating for 13 hours the last thing I wanted was something healthy, so I decided in honor of Cinco de Mayo I would eat Del Taco and had two.... and yes I said two 1/2 lb. bean and cheese burritos!! Boy did I gorge myself!!! *burp* lol  Of course after gorging myself I worried about the test and maybe that wasn't such a great idea if I had gestational diabetes. lol. Well today, I got the results back and I’m pleased to say that I DO NOT have gestational diabetes!! So relieved and so those burritos were even yummier!!

As for Amelia, she has been more active and I love feeling her move around in me. It’s a feeling only a mother could understand. She seems to be more active in the nighttime, however, she is getting more active throughout the day. I have a feeling she will be like her Papi, in that he is a night owl and likes to sleep during the day. Not sure if that is a good thing or not. Lol

Here is a frontal and side view picture of me at 6 ½ months. I have only gained 8 ½ lbs so far but I am prepared for the next three months to probably double that!! lol

Well next week we head to Omaha to visit sister-in-law and family. It will be nice to see them and to get away because when we come back we have Amelia’s room to do, checkup appointments and baby classes that will last us through June. We are also scheduled for a 3D/4D ultrasound on May17th, which we are so excited about! I hope Amelia is cooperating and we get some great face pictures so we can see whom she is going to resemble. Again. the month of June is pretty much shot for us as we have baby class after baby class to participate in. I will fill you all in as the class happens. I’m sure there will be some funny stories coming from them especially on Steve's behalf!! Lol


April 13, 2011

First Letter to Amelia

Dear Amelia,

From the day we found out that Mama was going to have you, Papi and I have been so overwhelmed with so many emotions but most of all we are really excited to meet you! We can hardly wait to hold you in our arms and look at your beautiful little face and see whose features you have. We can hardly wait to hear that little voice of yours, which I’m sure, will be music to our ears. Sweetie, you are so loved even though we have not met you.

So with that being said, let me tell you what you are about to be introduced to once we bring you home. You will be introduced to a four-legged creature named Porthos that will be your guardian, your playmate and your best friend.

Porthos will watch over you to ensure nobody tries to harm you when Mama and Papi are not around. He will sniff you and lick you to death and probably chew your toys, but don’t get too mad at him, he means well. He will also follow you around, as you get older. This may become a nuisance to you but he’s doing it because he loves you and wants to make sure your ok at all times. He may also follow you just to make sure that if you drop any food that he’s there to pick it up so Mama and Papi don’t step on it and smoosh it into the carpet. You will grow to love and adore Porthos, as he will you. I can hardly wait for you to meet him!!

Now that your aware of Porthos, Mama and Papi will do their best to give you the world within reason. We will teach you the value of life. We will teach you to achieve the things you want you will have to work hard for it them. We will walk though life right beside you holding your hand the whole time even when things get tough. We will have our bad times but I think we will have many more great times!! Life is not always easy Sweetie, but we will get through this together and that I can promise you. We love you more than you will ever know Amelia Faye Arana.

Mama and Papi

April 6, 2011

What A Week!

So much has happened in the past few days, let me recap for you:

FRIDAY - I finally actually talk to my doctor about the Previa. She told me that she and the Radiologist were not really concerned about the Previa. As a matter of fact, they weren’t even sure if I had it as it is still somewhat early and I did not have any bleeding or spotting. The sonographer was not in a position to make that medical call without talking to a doctor first. So all the worrying and “doom and gloom” I read on the Internet may have been for nothing. Which is a HUGE relief! Anyway, she proceeded to tell me that we will do another ultrasound in about a month just to check the placenta and it’s location, just to be on the safe side. So this was all great news from my doctor and I got the reassurance I needed.

SUNDAY – Steve and I were in bed on Sunday watching a movie and I felt the baby starting to move around. Until now I have only been able to feel the baby from within side my belly. Well I put my hand on my belly just to see if I might be able to feel it kicking and sure enough it kicked my hand softly!! I was amazed but yet wasn’t sure if I actually had felt something or just so badly wanted to feel something. Anyway, I left my hand there and sure enough it kicked a few more times. I finally said something to Steve about it and of course he says “uh-uh”. So he put his hand on my tummy and of course little one didn’t do anything. So now Steve thinks I’m crazy, which is normal ops, but I was determined I felt something. So I put my hand back on my tummy and it started kicking again. I told Steve that the baby was really going to town and kicking away. So again he put his hand on my tummy and nothing…….what was up with this kid??? Lol I was getting frustrated but as Steve kept his hand on my tummy a little longer the baby finally gave a big kick right into his hand!! I have never seen Steve’s eyes SO big as to when he felt the kick. He jerked his hand away so fast and said “that’s no bueno” lol I instantly started laughing so hard, then I was crying and then I was laughing and then I was crying. This went on for about 5 minutes. Not sure why I was crying but it was such an emotional experience for me. After I calmed down, Steve seemed a little weirded out so I asked him if he was ok and he said “yeah, but there’s an alien in there”. Lol Again I laughed.  It was a memorable night and every night since that I put my hand on my belly to feel the baby kicking. It’s a mommy and me time that I will cherish.

TUESDAY – Yesterday, we had another ultrasound, as the previous sonographer did not capture good images of the baby’s heart, profile and lips & nose. This worked in our favor because this was another opportunity to see if we could find out the gender of the baby…….AND WE DID……… we are having a baby girl, Amelia Faye Arana! Steve and I were thrilled! Here is the picture of her “girly” part (the angle is as if you were looking up and you see to buttcheeks and her "private part" are the two distinctive lines) and the other picture is her profile with her hand up by her mouth. She may be sucking her thumb but we are not sure.

            After the appointment, Steve and I thought we would go buy our first gender specific outfit for Amelia. It sounded like a good idea but when we got to the stores we were so overwhelmed that we didn’t even know where to start. Lol  So we just bought one little thing and left. Shopping will have to be another day as it shock sets in that we are having a baby girl.

WEDNESDAY – Just got an email from my doctor and the ultrasound for the baby turned out normal. Everything is good with her organs. So very relieved!! Now we can focus on the following upcoming events:

-         April 8th - Porthos getting neutered (going to be torturous for me, going to cry like a baby).
-         April 14th Steve’s mom comes for 10 days (so much cleaning to get done).
-         April 27th Getting married in Tahoe
-         April 28th – May 2nd Fishing/Camping trip at Mammoth CA
-         May 9th – May 15th Trip to Omaha NE to visit Steve’s sister.

Going to be a busy month and half.

March 31, 2011

Ultrasound 3/28

On March 28, 2011 we had an ultrasound for the baby to make sure its organs were functioning correctly and located in the correct spots. The sonographer took many pictures but none that were really “keepers” for us. Below are two pictures of the baby’s face, which if you look at them they are actually scary looking. The first picture actually reminds me of the Terminator with the eye being so prominent. The sonographer was trying to show us how we could see the baby's eye lens. The second picture looks like the scary clown from the Steve King “IT” movie with its razor teeth!! My baby is going to be evil!! Lol

Anyway, we were unable to determine the sex of the baby as it was sleeping and its legs were closed in a tight fetal position. The sonographer thought that is was a girl but I’m not 100% convinced yet. At the end of the appointment the sonographer tells us that she doesn’t see anything wrong with the baby but that mine placenta is partially covering my uterus, which means I have partial previa. My doctor called me the next day and told me that she is not concerned with it at this time as it’s still really early in the pregnancy and that as my uterus grows the placenta will move up the uterine wall into the correct spot. We will have to go back in a month or so for another ultrasound to monitor the placenta. We are hoping that it will fix itself and if not then I could possible be bedridden if there is bleeding in the third trimester and will have to have a cesarean.

The next day, we got a call from the radiology department saying they needed another ultrasound of the baby, as there were some unclear pictures of the baby's heart. So we will have another ultrasound next week April 5th and hopefully this will give us another opportunity to see if we can find out what the gender is. I made the appointment for later in the afternoon so the baby will be up and moving plus I will be drinking some juice to give it a little sugar high!!   Whoo Hoo sugar!! lol

I will let you know the outcome of the next ultrasound next week.

Thanks for all the emails, comments and support. Keep us in your prayers.

March 22, 2011


So many things have been happening since my last post so he's a little review of what has happened over the past few weeks.

March 16th we had our prenatal appointment and everything went well. We talked a little about vaccinations for myself while being pregnant and we opted out. We feel the less toxins I put into my body while being pregnant the more beneficial it will be for the baby and me. We just hope I don’t get sick because as all of you that have been pregnant know there are limited things you can take. I try to eat a healthy diet most of the time and I run or walk everyday. My doctor seemed pretty pleased that at 5 months I was still running 4 miles every other day; however, running is getting a little more difficult as I am getting bigger. It’s not so much the size yet that is bothering me but the breathing is getting a little harder as this little peanut is growing in me and pushing my innards up into my throat!! Lol I will keep with the running as long as I can as it has helped me maintain a healthy growing baby weight. Thus far I have gained 4lbs.

Another thing my doctor brought to our attention as we were leaving were vaccinations for the baby once it’s born. I have thought a little about this but not too much. I really need to start doing some research on vaccinations for babies. If anyone has any good advice or information, I am open. I know this is a controversial topic, so if you don’t want to leave a comment on the site you can email me at I would love to hear what you have to say.

On a different note, Steve left for Alabama on Sunday for a week. He will be doing some Coast Guard training on haz-mat stuff. Him being gone this time is different then when he was gone in August last year (month and half). I feel more vulnerable and concerned all the time. I think about the safety of the baby all the time. I think about all the hazards that could go on in the house such as a fire starting while I’m asleep or someone breaking in. I’m not quite sure what this is all about but I’m thinking maybe it has to do with the safety of my unborn child. I am already worrying about someone who is not even here yet. Is that silly??

Well next Monday is the BIG day for us. We hopefully (if baby is cooperating) will find out the gender. We are both really excited about this but we are actually more excited to see our little peanut and how it is growing. This ultrasound is basically for the doctors to make sure all the baby’s organs are growing properly and in the correct spot as well as the functionality of the organs. I’m told you have the ultrasound but do not get the results until a week after so that will be a little unnerving but it’s just another hurdle to get over.

So Steve and I have narrowed down a girl’s name and a boy’s name. If it’s a girl, her name will be Amelia Faye. Amelia is after one of Steve’s grandmothers and Faye is after my mother. For a boy, well we have discussed this in depth and Steve really would like to name the boy after his father, Luis Bernardo. I’m not too keen on it but I know how much it means to Steve and I know I will love it once the baby is born. So there you have it……we are either having an Amelia Faye or a Luis Bernardo. We’ll keep you posted.