Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

April 13, 2011

First Letter to Amelia

Dear Amelia,

From the day we found out that Mama was going to have you, Papi and I have been so overwhelmed with so many emotions but most of all we are really excited to meet you! We can hardly wait to hold you in our arms and look at your beautiful little face and see whose features you have. We can hardly wait to hear that little voice of yours, which I’m sure, will be music to our ears. Sweetie, you are so loved even though we have not met you.

So with that being said, let me tell you what you are about to be introduced to once we bring you home. You will be introduced to a four-legged creature named Porthos that will be your guardian, your playmate and your best friend.

Porthos will watch over you to ensure nobody tries to harm you when Mama and Papi are not around. He will sniff you and lick you to death and probably chew your toys, but don’t get too mad at him, he means well. He will also follow you around, as you get older. This may become a nuisance to you but he’s doing it because he loves you and wants to make sure your ok at all times. He may also follow you just to make sure that if you drop any food that he’s there to pick it up so Mama and Papi don’t step on it and smoosh it into the carpet. You will grow to love and adore Porthos, as he will you. I can hardly wait for you to meet him!!

Now that your aware of Porthos, Mama and Papi will do their best to give you the world within reason. We will teach you the value of life. We will teach you to achieve the things you want you will have to work hard for it them. We will walk though life right beside you holding your hand the whole time even when things get tough. We will have our bad times but I think we will have many more great times!! Life is not always easy Sweetie, but we will get through this together and that I can promise you. We love you more than you will ever know Amelia Faye Arana.

Mama and Papi

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