Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

April 6, 2011

What A Week!

So much has happened in the past few days, let me recap for you:

FRIDAY - I finally actually talk to my doctor about the Previa. She told me that she and the Radiologist were not really concerned about the Previa. As a matter of fact, they weren’t even sure if I had it as it is still somewhat early and I did not have any bleeding or spotting. The sonographer was not in a position to make that medical call without talking to a doctor first. So all the worrying and “doom and gloom” I read on the Internet may have been for nothing. Which is a HUGE relief! Anyway, she proceeded to tell me that we will do another ultrasound in about a month just to check the placenta and it’s location, just to be on the safe side. So this was all great news from my doctor and I got the reassurance I needed.

SUNDAY – Steve and I were in bed on Sunday watching a movie and I felt the baby starting to move around. Until now I have only been able to feel the baby from within side my belly. Well I put my hand on my belly just to see if I might be able to feel it kicking and sure enough it kicked my hand softly!! I was amazed but yet wasn’t sure if I actually had felt something or just so badly wanted to feel something. Anyway, I left my hand there and sure enough it kicked a few more times. I finally said something to Steve about it and of course he says “uh-uh”. So he put his hand on my tummy and of course little one didn’t do anything. So now Steve thinks I’m crazy, which is normal ops, but I was determined I felt something. So I put my hand back on my tummy and it started kicking again. I told Steve that the baby was really going to town and kicking away. So again he put his hand on my tummy and nothing…….what was up with this kid??? Lol I was getting frustrated but as Steve kept his hand on my tummy a little longer the baby finally gave a big kick right into his hand!! I have never seen Steve’s eyes SO big as to when he felt the kick. He jerked his hand away so fast and said “that’s no bueno” lol I instantly started laughing so hard, then I was crying and then I was laughing and then I was crying. This went on for about 5 minutes. Not sure why I was crying but it was such an emotional experience for me. After I calmed down, Steve seemed a little weirded out so I asked him if he was ok and he said “yeah, but there’s an alien in there”. Lol Again I laughed.  It was a memorable night and every night since that I put my hand on my belly to feel the baby kicking. It’s a mommy and me time that I will cherish.

TUESDAY – Yesterday, we had another ultrasound, as the previous sonographer did not capture good images of the baby’s heart, profile and lips & nose. This worked in our favor because this was another opportunity to see if we could find out the gender of the baby…….AND WE DID……… we are having a baby girl, Amelia Faye Arana! Steve and I were thrilled! Here is the picture of her “girly” part (the angle is as if you were looking up and you see to buttcheeks and her "private part" are the two distinctive lines) and the other picture is her profile with her hand up by her mouth. She may be sucking her thumb but we are not sure.

            After the appointment, Steve and I thought we would go buy our first gender specific outfit for Amelia. It sounded like a good idea but when we got to the stores we were so overwhelmed that we didn’t even know where to start. Lol  So we just bought one little thing and left. Shopping will have to be another day as it shock sets in that we are having a baby girl.

WEDNESDAY – Just got an email from my doctor and the ultrasound for the baby turned out normal. Everything is good with her organs. So very relieved!! Now we can focus on the following upcoming events:

-         April 8th - Porthos getting neutered (going to be torturous for me, going to cry like a baby).
-         April 14th Steve’s mom comes for 10 days (so much cleaning to get done).
-         April 27th Getting married in Tahoe
-         April 28th – May 2nd Fishing/Camping trip at Mammoth CA
-         May 9th – May 15th Trip to Omaha NE to visit Steve’s sister.

Going to be a busy month and half.

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