Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

March 31, 2011

Ultrasound 3/28

On March 28, 2011 we had an ultrasound for the baby to make sure its organs were functioning correctly and located in the correct spots. The sonographer took many pictures but none that were really “keepers” for us. Below are two pictures of the baby’s face, which if you look at them they are actually scary looking. The first picture actually reminds me of the Terminator with the eye being so prominent. The sonographer was trying to show us how we could see the baby's eye lens. The second picture looks like the scary clown from the Steve King “IT” movie with its razor teeth!! My baby is going to be evil!! Lol

Anyway, we were unable to determine the sex of the baby as it was sleeping and its legs were closed in a tight fetal position. The sonographer thought that is was a girl but I’m not 100% convinced yet. At the end of the appointment the sonographer tells us that she doesn’t see anything wrong with the baby but that mine placenta is partially covering my uterus, which means I have partial previa. My doctor called me the next day and told me that she is not concerned with it at this time as it’s still really early in the pregnancy and that as my uterus grows the placenta will move up the uterine wall into the correct spot. We will have to go back in a month or so for another ultrasound to monitor the placenta. We are hoping that it will fix itself and if not then I could possible be bedridden if there is bleeding in the third trimester and will have to have a cesarean.

The next day, we got a call from the radiology department saying they needed another ultrasound of the baby, as there were some unclear pictures of the baby's heart. So we will have another ultrasound next week April 5th and hopefully this will give us another opportunity to see if we can find out what the gender is. I made the appointment for later in the afternoon so the baby will be up and moving plus I will be drinking some juice to give it a little sugar high!!   Whoo Hoo sugar!! lol

I will let you know the outcome of the next ultrasound next week.

Thanks for all the emails, comments and support. Keep us in your prayers.

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