Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

May 18, 2011

3D Ultrasound

We had our 3D ultrasound yesterday and what an awesome experience that was!! There were a few different packages you could buy and we opted for the minimal one as you pay before you go into the ultrasound and the baby could or could not be cooperative. However, you do have the choice of buying the upgraded package afterwards if you want. Anyway, the package we bought was for a 15-minute ultrasound session and 2 color and 2 black & white pictures. We actually ended up having a 45-minute session and got quite a few pictures!! As always, Amelia was shy. I have no idea where she gets that from because you all know I’m not shy!! Lol  She probably gets it from Steve as he’s a little bit more on the reserved side than me. ;-) So with that being said, Amelia had her hands up in her face or over her face as if she was blocking the camera from taking her picture. She actually at one point in time look like she was started to give us the finger but she knew better!! Lol  Mama wouldn’t have liked that very much!! 

From being at the ultrasound and looking at the below pictures, Amelia has chubby checks, full lips, pug nose and a head or hair. Most of these traits are on the Arana side so I have a feeling she is going to take after her Papi.

Other things we saw in the ultrasound were her blinking and do a suckling motion with her mouth (I’m really hoping she is not going to be a thumb-sucker!! Lol).  Also, a few times it looked as though she was smiling at us. She was a happy baby needless to say and that made me happy. Both Steve and I are so happy and very fortunate that we got to experience the 3D ultrasound and would recommend it to anyone.

We have another ultrasound with our doctor on next Wednesday to see how my “low lying” placenta is doing. We are really hoping that the placenta has moved away from the cervix and that our birthing plan will still be in motion. I will keep you all updated on that outcome.

Now that I’m in the third trimester (boy, time flies by!), I’m starting to get a little more tired again. I was really hoping the tiredness wouldn’t happen so fast but growing a baby is hard work!! Lol  I’m still walking an hour everyday with Porthos so I get my exercise, which has helped to keep my weight gain down. Currently I have gained 12 lbs and 4 of those 12 pounds were this last month!! Now I know why Amelia is so chunky! If she keeps this up for the next three months she is going to be a BIG baby!!

Anyway, we still have a lot to do now that we are back from Omaha and we don’t have visitors coming for a while. We plan on doing the baby registry tonight (or at least going to make the attempt) and we hopefully will have the baby room done by next week. Once those two things are done, we can focus on a month long full of baby classes and a few baby showers.

Well time to wrap this up. I will blog next week after my appointment to let you all know how things are going.

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