Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

December 21, 2010

First Doctor's Appointment

Friday Steve and I went for our first prenatal doctor’s appointment. Boy what a wave of emotions this created for me. At first I was so excited, then nervous, then excited, then nervous. This was crazy! Lol  Anyway, once I got registered and Steve and I were in the waiting room the emotions subsided. When the nurse called me name, I felt as though I had been waiting an eternity but in reality it was only 10 minutes. Steve and I both got up but the nurse told him that I was the only one to go in but that she would come get him when it was ok. I thought that was kind of weird but quickly realized why, they ask you questions about feeling safe in your home and if your being threatened or hurt by anyone. I kind of had to chuckle to myself but I understood. I couldn’t wait to tell Steve this, as he would get a chuckle at it too.

Once I was in the room ,the nurse went and got Steve. He walked in like a lost dog with his tail in between his legs. You could just see the uncertainty and terror in his eyes of what was about to happen. I told him what the doctor was going to do (vaginal ultrasound) and I think he about pooped his pants! Lol  I had to laugh at him but I told him he wasn’t going to be down in that view and that all he had to do was look at the monitor. He was ok with that but still a little nervous.

About five minutes later the doctor came in and asked us questions and talked about any concerns we had. She put us at ease on the questions we asked and by the way I think first time parents are so neurotic and ask every stupid question there is, us included!! Lol  But it feels good to hear the answers from a profession instead of many contradicting responses on the Internet. Well the vaginal ultrasound was about to start and Steve’s eyes were like the size of sand dollars when he saw the wand come out and how big it was. I could only imagine the thoughts going through his head. ;-)  Anyway, the doctor began to look around for the baby and at first we could find it and I thought, “oh crap! Where is the baby? Am I not really pregnant?” lol  Just as I was about to go into a panic, a little peanut size image came into view with a flickering heart beat. It was absolutely beautiful. I think it really put things into prospective for Steve and I. We were having a baby!

The picture above is our peanut at 7 weeks. It’s almost too small for you to see but it’s there. It's where the two little cursor marks are (hard to see), I promise. Also, the picture shows our expected due date is August 8, 2011 but the doctor says the due date is August 5, 2011. Let the fun begin!

December 14, 2010

Week 6

So far week 6 has turned out to be not so good. The so-called “morning sickness”, which should be called “pregnancy sickness” has been lasting ALL day long and has worsened this week. I feel sick to my stomach all the time. No throwing up yet (thank god) but at times I wonder if it would make me feel better. Lol  The heartburn has also started this week. It seems whatever I eat triggers it!! I need to figure something out here now and fast! 

Other symptoms that I have had since the beginning are the sore boobs and the fatigue. I have never in my life felt so much pain in my boobs!! I have woken up many times in pain throughout the night because of turning over to sleep on my stomach. This is no bueno…Ouch!!  Oh and also when I take a shower the pressure hitting my nipples is like daggering needles. What the heck is that about??? Lol

On a lighter note, yesterday I was wearing my favorite pants and I was thinking “Boy I could probably wear these throughout the whole pregnancy as long as my butt doesn’t get too much bigger.” Well low and behold I squatted down to pet Porthos and Rrrrriiiiiippppp!! I was so mad. I haven’t gained any weight as of yet as I’ve been walking anywhere from 3 to 5 miles a day and then this happens!! Lol  Here I was feeling all good about myself and what do I do, I rip my pants, so typical. Anyway, now today my pants feel all tight around the gut. I need to weigh here soon and see what the heck is happening! Lol Oh yeah and needless to say Steve thought it was hilarious and he said, “What’s up fat kid?”  LOL

Well Steve and I have my first prenatal doctor’s appointment on Friday. We are both really excited and looking forward to hopefully getting to at least see our little spec of a monkey and hear its heartbeat.  We’ll keep you posted.

December 10, 2010

Telling Our Mom's

Many thoughts ran through our heads as we decided whether to tell our mothers that they were going to be grandmas again. First thought was to hold off until after the first trimester as many doctors say to do, second thought was to hold off until Christmas and third thought was to spill the beans immediately. Well as excited as Steve and I both were about the pregnancy we obviously went with telling them as soon as possible.

As many of you know I’m extremely close with my mother so letting her know should have been a special event for me, but nope… I notified her via email. She could have cared less how she was notified as she has been badgering me for years about having a baby (love you mama)! Lol  Anyway she was very happy and has already asked me many questions from How are you feeling today? to Do you know what you’re having? She is completely thrilled and I couldn't be happier for her and myself. She will be a great wealth of support and knowledge throughout this amazing experience. Love you Mama. 

Telling Steve’s mami was really sweet. Steve called her and talked to her as if it was their normal weekly conversation; however to my surprise during the conversation Steve said, “Lisa’s got something to tell you.” I was shocked because I thought he was going to tell her. So as I stammered around for the right words to say I finally just blurted out that I was pregnant. She was so happy. You could just hear the happiness in her voice that her baby boy was finally going to be a father. Steve and I both got teary-eyed. It really was a special moment for me but especially Steve.

December 6, 2010

We're going to be Parents

I knew when I woke up on December 1st that it was going to be a great day but what I didn’t know was HOW great it was going to be.

Steve and I had planned a day out on the lake on the boat we just recently bought and this was going to be its maiden voyage (with us). Steve and I were both really excited so we decided to get up at 4:00 am. Well actually, Steve decided to get up that early. I honestly don’t know why fishermen think they need to get up that early to catch the BIG fish but anyway that’s the time I crawled out of bed. I stumbled to the bathroom in the dark and decided to take a pregnancy test as I was two days late. Being late wasn’t unusual for me but for some reason I decided to just take the test and to my surprise it was positive. I just looked at it in disbelief at first. Then I kind of shook my head and rubbed my eyes to make sure the line wasn’t just blurry and then the shock set in. All these thoughts instantly starting running through my head, “Do I tell Steve now?” “What if he’s not happy?” “How do I tell him?” “When do I tell him?” Oh my god, I was freaking out!! I then took a deep breath and decided not to tell him until after the fishing trip. Well, the fishing trip ended up being a success; Steve caught his first fish on his new boat. He was just a like a small kid at Christmas, opening that toy he longed for. It really was a great day.

After we got home, I decided to take another pregnancy test before I told him. Maybe the first test was a false positive. Nope, the test came back positive again. Ok, so this was the real deal. We were going to have a baby! At that moment, Steve came into the bedroom and laid on the bed and I laid next to him. I started out with “ I have something to tell you but I’m scared to tell you.” I can only imagine what was going through his head when I said that but I can guarantee it wasn’t what I was going to tell him. Lol Anyway, I proceed to tell him that I was pregnant and he said “Really” with a smile on his face. I instantly felt at ease and started crying tears of happiness. Steve, not being a very emotional man and not understanding my tears, asked, “Why are you crying? We wanted this to happen.” I just smiled and said, “Yes, we did want this!”