Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

February 2, 2011


So on Monday we had a prenatal appointment and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat!! It was really surreal to me because all this time I know I'm pregnant but I don't look pregnant and I don't feel pregnant so a part of me was like "is anything still in there?" lol  I know it's silly but I'm just at that stage in my pregnancy where I really need the reassurance that our little peanut was still in there. The sound of baby Arana's heartbeat is exactly what I needed!!!  Now, I'm in love all over again and I haven't even met the little peanut. What a great feeling.

Friday, Steve and I have another doctor's appointment. This one is for a diagnostic ultrasound that will measure the back of the baby's neck and tell you your risks of your baby having down syndrome or not. A friend of mine, who is at the same stage in her pregnancy just had this done on Monday and said it was awesome. She got to see her baby blowing bubbles, stretching and sucking its thumb!! How cool is that?? I can hardly wait to see our ultrasound and see what our little baby is up to!! I'll post next week and let you all know how it went.

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