Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

February 18, 2011

The Crib and Me

So we are at 16 weeks (4 months) today. Seems like the weeks are starting to go by faster now that we have gotten use to the idea of me being pregnant. We have been starting to think of all the things that we need to get to prepare for this little peanut and boy is that overwhelming!! lol Steve and I decided that once a month we would be a BIG-ticket items so this month we bought the crib.  We searched and searched and researched and researched for the perfect crib but nothing was feeling right. We eventually happen to be out and about this past Sunday and stumbled upon this beauty!
This crib actually was a $500 crib but we got it for $250. I am absolutely in love with it and its very sturdy. The crib is a convertible crib so it does go to the toddler bed and full size bed if we want it to. So our first "Parent" purchase is done. Needless to say we felt accomplished!! lol

Changes in me: Cravings and clothes are starting to get tight.

Strange cravings have begun for me (well these are at least strange for me). I cannot get enough peanut butter. I have been putting it on everything; however, I'm trying to be healthy about it so it goes on my apples, cinnamon raisin muffins and now my bananas. Plus I like a spoonful every now and then.  Last night's dinner was a Ham (made it on Wednesday), Swiss and jalapeno potato chip sandwich!! OMG, this was delish!! lol If the chips weren't a little on the hot side, I would have probably eaten two!! lol  The last thing that is strange for me is sweet things. I have never been one to like desserts, candy or anything that was really sweet, however, I could eat a whole bag of chips or crackers. The salt is what I liked. I'm really hoping this need for sweetness goes away after I have the baby. lol

So as of Monday I haven't gained any weight but I can tell my body is changing as my pants are fitting a little tighter around the waist these days!! I may have to go pant shopping here in a week or so as the discomfort is only going to get worse. I do have about 4 maternity shirts thanks to my Mama and by friend Connie. I can hardly wait to start wearing them, as they are all so cute. Hopefully, I will get a belly picture here soon for you all to see the growth.

February 11, 2011

Week 15

Went to my diagnostic ultrasound appointment on February 4th. Unfortunately, Steve was unable to make it. He ended up running out of gas and couldn't make it in time. We were both sad. This was somewhat of a scary appointment for us as we were going to find out the risk of our baby having Down Syndrome and one other genetic disorder. Thank goodness the results were in our favor and we are at low risk for the baby having either one of these disorders.

On a lighter note, I got to see Baby Arana doing its thing at Week 14. The baby was at first pretty quite but once the doctor starting pushing around on my belly the baby got more mobile. I saw so many pictures of it from all different angles. It really was awesome and wished Steve had been there to share this moment with me. The pictures aren't the best but the first picture is just a profile of Baby Arana. Boy, does it look like it has Steve's head!! BIG!! lol Hopefully, our little peanut grows into that head for his sake and mine!! lol The second picture shows Baby Arana with its hand in his mouth. Can't really tell if it's sucking its thumb or just nomming on its hand. The last picture is another profile pic from a further distance. You can see the profile and its torso.

Upcoming appointments for me are:

February 25th - Blood work for the second trimester. This blood work will be compared with my first trimester's blood work and will tell us if the baby is at risk for any defects. I swear the scare of having an unhealthy baby sure is tiring!! This here should be the last tests that we have to take so from then on I should be able to enjoy the pregnancy.

March 16th - 20 week prenatal exam.

March 28th - Ultrasound. This ultrasound will view the baby’s organs and make sure that they are all growing and functioning properly. We also should be able to find out the sex of Baby Arana. This will be a very exciting day for us!!

As for me, I've been feeling really well. I have been running 5K's (3.1 miles) with Porthos two to three times a week and attending Crossfit. I am doing everything in my power to make sure this birth goes easy, well much as I can do on my end. Baby Arana might have another story to tell. lol I'm still not wearing any maternity clothes and don't really have the "baby bump" yet but I'm sure it will be here all too soon.

In my spare time, if I'm not sleeping (lol), I am online researching and researching all the different products we are going to need for Baby Arana. Who knew there were so many things for the baby to look for? I am so frustrated and have no idea what to buy!! Everytime you find something you like and you read the reviews there's always that one review that just sticks out like a sore thumb and you can't get past it.  Reviews are bitter/sweet I tell ya!! Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions on anything please let me know!!!

February 2, 2011


So on Monday we had a prenatal appointment and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat!! It was really surreal to me because all this time I know I'm pregnant but I don't look pregnant and I don't feel pregnant so a part of me was like "is anything still in there?" lol  I know it's silly but I'm just at that stage in my pregnancy where I really need the reassurance that our little peanut was still in there. The sound of baby Arana's heartbeat is exactly what I needed!!!  Now, I'm in love all over again and I haven't even met the little peanut. What a great feeling.

Friday, Steve and I have another doctor's appointment. This one is for a diagnostic ultrasound that will measure the back of the baby's neck and tell you your risks of your baby having down syndrome or not. A friend of mine, who is at the same stage in her pregnancy just had this done on Monday and said it was awesome. She got to see her baby blowing bubbles, stretching and sucking its thumb!! How cool is that?? I can hardly wait to see our ultrasound and see what our little baby is up to!! I'll post next week and let you all know how it went.