Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

March 31, 2011

Ultrasound 3/28

On March 28, 2011 we had an ultrasound for the baby to make sure its organs were functioning correctly and located in the correct spots. The sonographer took many pictures but none that were really “keepers” for us. Below are two pictures of the baby’s face, which if you look at them they are actually scary looking. The first picture actually reminds me of the Terminator with the eye being so prominent. The sonographer was trying to show us how we could see the baby's eye lens. The second picture looks like the scary clown from the Steve King “IT” movie with its razor teeth!! My baby is going to be evil!! Lol

Anyway, we were unable to determine the sex of the baby as it was sleeping and its legs were closed in a tight fetal position. The sonographer thought that is was a girl but I’m not 100% convinced yet. At the end of the appointment the sonographer tells us that she doesn’t see anything wrong with the baby but that mine placenta is partially covering my uterus, which means I have partial previa. My doctor called me the next day and told me that she is not concerned with it at this time as it’s still really early in the pregnancy and that as my uterus grows the placenta will move up the uterine wall into the correct spot. We will have to go back in a month or so for another ultrasound to monitor the placenta. We are hoping that it will fix itself and if not then I could possible be bedridden if there is bleeding in the third trimester and will have to have a cesarean.

The next day, we got a call from the radiology department saying they needed another ultrasound of the baby, as there were some unclear pictures of the baby's heart. So we will have another ultrasound next week April 5th and hopefully this will give us another opportunity to see if we can find out what the gender is. I made the appointment for later in the afternoon so the baby will be up and moving plus I will be drinking some juice to give it a little sugar high!!   Whoo Hoo sugar!! lol

I will let you know the outcome of the next ultrasound next week.

Thanks for all the emails, comments and support. Keep us in your prayers.

March 22, 2011


So many things have been happening since my last post so he's a little review of what has happened over the past few weeks.

March 16th we had our prenatal appointment and everything went well. We talked a little about vaccinations for myself while being pregnant and we opted out. We feel the less toxins I put into my body while being pregnant the more beneficial it will be for the baby and me. We just hope I don’t get sick because as all of you that have been pregnant know there are limited things you can take. I try to eat a healthy diet most of the time and I run or walk everyday. My doctor seemed pretty pleased that at 5 months I was still running 4 miles every other day; however, running is getting a little more difficult as I am getting bigger. It’s not so much the size yet that is bothering me but the breathing is getting a little harder as this little peanut is growing in me and pushing my innards up into my throat!! Lol I will keep with the running as long as I can as it has helped me maintain a healthy growing baby weight. Thus far I have gained 4lbs.

Another thing my doctor brought to our attention as we were leaving were vaccinations for the baby once it’s born. I have thought a little about this but not too much. I really need to start doing some research on vaccinations for babies. If anyone has any good advice or information, I am open. I know this is a controversial topic, so if you don’t want to leave a comment on the site you can email me at I would love to hear what you have to say.

On a different note, Steve left for Alabama on Sunday for a week. He will be doing some Coast Guard training on haz-mat stuff. Him being gone this time is different then when he was gone in August last year (month and half). I feel more vulnerable and concerned all the time. I think about the safety of the baby all the time. I think about all the hazards that could go on in the house such as a fire starting while I’m asleep or someone breaking in. I’m not quite sure what this is all about but I’m thinking maybe it has to do with the safety of my unborn child. I am already worrying about someone who is not even here yet. Is that silly??

Well next Monday is the BIG day for us. We hopefully (if baby is cooperating) will find out the gender. We are both really excited about this but we are actually more excited to see our little peanut and how it is growing. This ultrasound is basically for the doctors to make sure all the baby’s organs are growing properly and in the correct spot as well as the functionality of the organs. I’m told you have the ultrasound but do not get the results until a week after so that will be a little unnerving but it’s just another hurdle to get over.

So Steve and I have narrowed down a girl’s name and a boy’s name. If it’s a girl, her name will be Amelia Faye. Amelia is after one of Steve’s grandmothers and Faye is after my mother. For a boy, well we have discussed this in depth and Steve really would like to name the boy after his father, Luis Bernardo. I’m not too keen on it but I know how much it means to Steve and I know I will love it once the baby is born. So there you have it……we are either having an Amelia Faye or a Luis Bernardo. We’ll keep you posted.

March 4, 2011

March BIG Buy

Steve and I went out on Wednesday and bought our BIG-ticket purchase for this month. We bought a crib mattress and a rocker/glider with ottoman. We really lucked out this month in that we got some good deals.

Now with that being said, let me just say doing research on all these items is as stressful as having a baby!! lol  Who would have thought that buying a crib mattress would be so difficult?? I started researching them and found out that there are quite of few things to be cautious of, who would have thought? For crying out loud, it's a mattress!! lol Anyway, we had to make sure that the mattress was firm enough, whether we wanted foam or innerspring, if we went with innerspring that it had at least 150 coil count, that is was flame retardant, that it had vents at the ends of the mattress so it didn't get all stinky and moldy, that is was toxin free and blah blah blah. lol With all that we found one of the top 3 crib mattresses recommended at Wal-Mart of all places and it was on sale!! We were thrilled or at least I was. Steve just laughed as I gave him a high-five in the aisle and a big WHOO HOO!! lol

Next was the Glider/Rocker, well forget about reading reviews online because you will never and I mean NEVER find a perfect one. Someone ALWAYS has something negative to say about them. So we found one that we both liked at Target that was on sale for $179. The woodwork matches the crib and we liked the style. That was all I needed!! lol Now, if Steve can just put it together without breaking it or his usual........have parts left over. lol Here's a picture.
On our way home Steve asked me if I was excited about getting the rocker/glider and I actually said that while I was, I was MORE excited about the crib mattress. He just laughed at me.

We have two doctor's appointments this month. First appointment is on March 16th and this is just a regular prenatal appointment. The second appointment is on March 28th and this is the BIG appointment for us...........we hopefully (fingers and toes crossed) get to find out the sex of the baby. lol  The appointment is really for an ultrasound of the baby to make sure its organs are functioning properly and are in the correct spots. We are really looking forward to this appointment. I know Steve is really looking forward to it as he missed the last ultrasound appointment so he hasn't seen the baby since it was a peanut (Week 7). Well time to get back to work. I'll post after each appointment to let you know how things are going. Ciao.