Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

June 7, 2011

Where Did The Time Go?

Where do I even start?? It seems so long since I was on here blogging about our baby adventure. So much just seems to be happening.

Well I guess I’ll start with our last doctor’s appointment that we had on the 25th of May. This appointment was a routine appointment with the exception of an ultrasound to see how my placenta was doing. My placenta has moved somewhat from the cervix and so the doctor says we are making progress. Now that I’m getting bigger she feels my placenta will move further away so we have another ultrasound at our next prenatal; appointment on June 20th.

Steve started working on the baby room but has yet to finish it. He first started out by scrapping the popcorn ceilings then moved onto painting. The painting is complete besides a few touch-ups we will do later next week. Steve ended up breaking one of the closet doors so it was a trip to Lowe’s and as it would be, there were a special order size. Nice, when I hear special order I hear cha-ching!! Lol  Anyway, we ordered them and they will should be here on the 10th of June. Once we get the doors then we can finish up the crown molding and base boards. I’m hoping this room will be done by next weekend!! I will take pictures and post soon.

We had our first baby class last week. It was the late pregnancy class and tour of the birthing center. The class was more or less informational for me as to what I may be experiencing the last few months of pregnancy (now). Steve was quite comical in the class at times as they had examples of some of the tools that they use, which some of them ridiculous but I’m sure they serve a purpose in some rare situations. My favorite was the model of how big 10 centimeters is. Steve’s eyes were HUGE when he saw how big my cervix was going to get!!!  I won’t tell you the commentary that came with that but if you know Steve then you know what was said! Lol

After the class we toured the birthing center. As crappy/ghetto as the town of Vallejo is, the hospital is really nice. The birthing rooms are nice big and private and the baby stays with you the whole time unless there are complications. Our tour guide was quite comical as well. She happen to make a comment about the option of having your baby placed skin on skin as soon as it’s born and then she proceeded to say that the fathers would get there chance to do the skin on skin once we were transferred to the recovery room. Steve was so confused. He asked why do you have to do skin on skin and does he have to do it. I of course told him yes, that he had to do it and that we just hope Amelia doesn’t try to latch on. The look on his face was priceless.

Our next baby class is tonight. It’s the Childbirthing Prep class and it’s a 4 class series (one a week). Now, I know Steve will be enjoying this class. Lol

Here are a couple of pictures I have taken of my baby “bump”. I don’t think it’s a “bump” anymore…….it’s more like a mountain!!! lol

 7 1/2 Months

 8 months this week. It seems like in two weeks I'm really starting to "fill out". I'm getting crazy BIG! lol